Entrepreneur Loan Singapore

Entrepreneur Loan

Think of the excitement that comes from starting and running a business. Now imagine the frustration that comes from seeing your entrepreneurial aspirations die down simply because you lack funds to power the project. What do you do to save your big entrepreneurial dreams from dying?

If you find yourself stuck in your entrepreneurial journey because you are unable to raise funds, don’t stress your mind with worries. You can always count on OT Credit , the best entrepreneur loan company in Singapore to support your big moves with the required funding. Being a Singapore licensed money lender, you can be sure to be in reliable hands. In the course of a transaction.

What is an entrepreneur loan

An entrepreneurship loan is a personal loan to finance investments made by an individual who is an entrepreneur. A group of people who are shareholders in a limited liability company are also entitled to an entrepreneurship loan in Singapore.

A good number of Singapore citizens have decided to opt for loans from Singapore licensed money lenders to meet up with their financial requirements. Apart from entrepreneurship loans, business loans and startup loans can also be obtained from money lenders that are licensed in Singapore. You can apply for any loan category that suits your needs.

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How to identify licensed money lender

Why you should obtain loans from a Singapore licensed money lender only

Avoid all the complication that comes from taking loans from unlicensed money lender. Take loans from a Singapore licensed money lender alone, and you can be sure to have the backing of the law if you have troubles with already agreed terms agreed by you and your money lender.

Our mode of operation perfectly describes what is expected of a Singapore licensed money lender. You don’t need to look out for every money lender in Singapore to determine if they are licensed or not, save yourself the stress and lend from us for the following reasons.

  • We will not request for your SingPass ID or password.
  • We will not address you abusively or threaten you for any reason
  • We will not grant you a loan without adequate documentation of the loan contract and a clear explanation of all terms and conditions involved in the contract.
  • Our staffs will never cut back on the amount of loan granted to you for any reason.
  • You will never be asked to sign a blank or incomplete contract note to obtain a loan from us
  • We are genuinely interested in your business and entrepreneurial aspirations and want to help you grow

How to Apply

If you require an entrepreneurship loan, startup loan, or business loan in Singapore, you can solve this puzzle by using our services today.  Remember, we are a Singapore licensed money lender. Therefore, you have no reason to worry about the complications that come from lending from an unlicensed money lender.  More so, our interest rate is very reasonable. Contact us now to get started with your loan application process.

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OT Credit Pte Ltd
Licensed Money Lender in Singapore

License No. 102/2023